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Jesus didn't come to condemn the world, but to save it.

God loves the world and calls us to do the same.

Loving the world means sharing the good news of Jesus and His Kingdom in practical and effective ways. We want to join God in making this world a better place by loving the world as God does.

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 A group of families from Freo Church recently went for a week-long service trip in Cambodia to ‘make a difference’ (MAD) in the lives of some of the poorest communities in the world.

The all-ages team volunteered in practical ways: feeding the poor, providing survival packs, washing hair to treat lice, painting and helping out at an orphange and school.

“It was great to see how the little things we give can make a big difference in the lives of the children, and how we can help break the cycle of poverty,” said team leader, Brad Flynn.  “The children from our church were and even though it was tough, they loved it and want to go back. It was better than any family holiday we’ve been on!”

The MAD4Cambodia team was supported by Palmyra Primary School students who donated books and raised over $900 for International Children’s Care Australia.  Riverside Community School also supported the project and the school is currently sponsoring two children from ICC Light of Hope School in Cambodia. 

Check out the MAD4Cambodia website for pictures, stories and videos from the trip.
